6. HTML reportΒΆ

The output of an ANOVA analysis can be used to create an HTML report.

First, let us generate the results again (see Quick Start).

>>> from gdsctools import ANOVA, ic50_test
>>> gdsc = ANOVA(ic50_test)
>>> gdsc.set_cancer_type('breast')
>>> results = gdsc.anova_all()

The results variable contains a dataframe df. This dataframe contains as many rows as associations of drugs and features. See ANOVAResults for the contents. The HTML report extracts the significant associations, and then create figures and HTML pages for each of the associations that are significant. You can easily create HTML report as follows:

>>> from gdsctools import ANOVAReport
>>> report = ANOVAReport(gdsc, results)
>>> report.create_html_pages()

The report creates a Data Package, which details can be found in the Data Packages section.

Images are created for each significant associations and may take a while.

Some tunable settings are available in the settings (see About the settings). For instance, you can set the output directory to a user value instead of (html_gdsc_anova):

>>> report.settings.directory = 'BLCA'