Source code for gdsctools.stats

# coding=utf-8
# -*- python -*-
#  This file is part of GDSCTools software
#  Copyright (c) 2015 - Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
#  All rights reserved
#  File author(s): Thomas Cokelaer <>
#  Distributed under the BSD 3-Clause License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt distributed with this software
#  website:
"""Code related to the ANOVA analysis to find associations between drug IC50s
and genomic features"""
from statsmodels.stats import multitest
import easydev
import numpy as np
from gdsctools.qvalue import QValue

__all__ = ['MultipleTesting', 'cohens', "signed_effects"]

def multiple_correction(pvalues, method='fdr'):
    mt = MultipleTesting(method=method)
    values = mt.get_corrected_pvalues(pvalues, method=None)
    return values

[docs]class MultipleTesting(object): """This class eases the computation of multiple testing corrections The method implemented so far are based on statsmodels or a local implementation of **qvalue** method. ================ ============================================= method name Description ================ ============================================= bonferroni one-step correction sidak one-step correction holm-sidak step down method using Sidak adjustments holm step down method using Bonferroni adjustments simes-hochberg step up method (independent) hommel close method based on Simes tests (non negative) fdr_bh FDR Benjamini-Hochberg (non-negative) fdr_by FDR Benjamini-Yekutieli (negative) fdr_tsbky FDR 2-stage Benjamini-Krieger-Yekutieli non negative frd_tsbh FDR 2-stage Benjamini-Hochberg' non-negative fdr same as fdr_bh qvalue see :class:`~gdsctools.qvalue.QValue` class ================ ============================================= .. seealso:: :mod:`gdsctools.qvalue`. .. seealso:: """ def __init__(self, method=None): """.. rubric:: Constructor :param method: default to **fdr** that is the FDR Benjamini-Hochberg correction. """ #: set of valid methods self.valid_methods = ['bonferroni', 'sidak', 'fdr_by', 'holm-sidak', 'simes-hochberg', 'hommel', 'fdr_bh', 'fdr_tsbh', 'fdr_tsbky', 'fdr', 'qvalue'] self._method = 'fdr' if method is not None: self.method = method # parameter of the multiple test (e.g. used if method is bonferroni self.alpha = 0.1 def _get_method(self): return self._method def _set_method(self, method): easydev.check_param_in_list(method, self.valid_methods) if method == 'fdr': method = 'fdr_bh' self._method = method method = property(_get_method, _set_method, doc="get/set method")
[docs] def get_corrected_pvalues(self, pvalues, method=None): """Return corrected pvalues :param list pvalues: list or array of pvalues to correct. :param method: use the one defined in the constructor by default but can be overwritten here """ if method is not None: self.method = method pvalues = np.array(pvalues) if self.method == 'qvalue': qv = QValue(pvalues) corrections = qv.qvalue() return corrections else: corrections = multitest.multipletests(pvalues, alpha=self.alpha, method=self.method)[1] return corrections
[docs] def plot_comparison(self, pvalues, methods=None): """Simple plot to compare the pvalues correction methods .. plot:: :include-source: :width: 80% from gdsctools.stats import MultipleTesting mt = MultipleTesting() pvalues = [1e-10, 9.5e-2, 2.2e-1, 3.6e-1, 5e-1, 6e-1,8e-1,9.6e-1] mt.plot_comparison(pvalues, methods=['fdr_bh', 'qvalue', 'bonferroni', 'fdr_tsbh']) .. note:: in that example, the qvalue and FDR are identical, but this is not true in general. """ if methods is None: methods = self.valid_methods import pylab pylab.clf() for method in methods: pv = self.get_corrected_pvalues(pvalues, method=method) pylab.plot(pvalues, pv, 'o-', label=method.replace("_","\_")) pylab.legend(loc='best') pylab.ylabel('corrected pvalues') pylab.grid() pylab.ylim([0, 1.05])
[docs]def cohens(x, y): r"""Effect size metric through Cohen's *d* metric :param x: first vector :param y: second vector :return: absolute effect size value The Cohen's effect size *d* is defined as the difference between two means divided by a standard deviation of the data. .. math:: d = \frac{\bar{x}_1 - \bar{x}_2}{s} For two independent samples, the *pooled standard deviation* is used instead, which is defined as: .. math:: s = \sqrt{ \frac{(n_1-1)s_1^2 + (n_2-1)s_2^2}{n_1+n_2-2} } A Cohen's *d* is frequently used in estimating sample sizes for statistical testing: a lower *d* value indicates the necessity of larger sample sizes, and vice versa. .. note:: we return the absolute value :references: """ x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) Nx = len(x) - 1. # note the dot to cast to float Ny = len(y) - 1. # mean difference: md = np.abs(x.mean() - y.mean()) # here, we want same as in R that is unbiased variance # so we use ddof = 1 xv = x.var(ddof=1) yv = y.var(ddof=1) csd = Nx * xv + Ny * yv csd /= Nx + Ny # make sure this is float csd = np.sqrt(csd) return md / csd
def glass(x, y): r"""Return Effect size through Glass :math:`\Delta` estimator :param x: first sample :param y: second sample :return: 2 values (one or each sample) The Glass effect size is computed as .. math:: \Delta = \frac{\bar{x}_1-\bar{x}_2}{\sigma_i} .. note:: the standard deviation is the unbiased one (divided by N-1) where :math:`\sigma` is the standard deviation of either group """ x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) # mean difference: md = np.abs(x.mean() - y.mean()) # here, we want same as in R that is unbiased variance # so we use ddof = 1 g1 = md / x.std(ddof=1) g2 = md / y.std(ddof=1) return g1, g2
[docs]def signed_effects(df): import numpy as np _colname_deltas = 'FEATURE_delta_MEAN_IC50' _colname_effect_size = 'FEATURE_IC50_effect_size' deltas = df[_colname_deltas] effects = df[_colname_effect_size] signed_effects = list(np.sign(deltas) * effects) return signed_effects