Source code for gdsctools.gdsc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  This file is part of GDSCTools software
#  Copyright (c) 201 - GDSCTools Development Team
#  File author(s): Thomas Cokelaer <>
#  Distributed under the terms of the 3-clause BSD license.
#  The full license is in the LICENSE file, distributed with this software.
#  documentation:
import glob
import os

from gdsctools.anova import ANOVA
from gdsctools.readers import IC50
from gdsctools.readers import DrugDecode
from gdsctools.anova_results import ANOVAResults
from gdsctools.anova_report import ANOVAReport
from gdsctools.settings import ANOVASettings
from gdsctools.anova_report import ReportMain

import pandas as pd

from easydev.console import purple, brown, red
from easydev import Progress

from reports import HTMLTable

__all__ = ["IC50Cluster", "GDSC"]

[docs]class IC50Cluster(IC50): """Utility to cluster columns that correspond to the same drug ID From GDSC v18 data sets onwards, DRUG identifiers may be duplicated to account for different drug concentration. This is not recommended since we'd rather use unique identifier for different experiments but to account for this feature, the IC50Cluster will rename the columns and transform the data as follows. Consider the case of the DRUG 1211. It appears 3 times in the original data:: Drug_1211_0.15625_IC50 Drug_1211_1_IC50 Drug_1211_10_IC50 Actually, there are about 15 such cases even though in general there are only 2 duplicates:: DRUG_ID 1 2 3 total icommon ratio 21 1782 47 47 NaN 47 47 100.000000 20 1510 45 45 NaN 45 45 100.000000 19 1211 48 47 4.0 50 46 92.000000 18 1208 48 47 NaN 50 45 90.000000 16 1032 43 47 NaN 50 40 80.000000 17 1207 38 47 NaN 50 35 70.000000 13 231 2 39 NaN 39 2 5.128205 14 232 45 2 NaN 45 2 4.444444 10 226 2 45 NaN 45 2 4.444444 12 230 2 46 NaN 46 2 4.347826 15 238 2 46 NaN 46 2 4.347826 0 206 2 46 NaN 46 2 4.347826 1 211 46 2 NaN 46 2 4.347826 9 224 2 46 NaN 46 2 4.347826 8 223 2 46 NaN 46 2 4.347826 7 221 2 46 NaN 46 2 4.347826 6 217 2 46 NaN 46 2 4.347826 5 216 2 46 NaN 46 2 4.347826 4 215 2 46 NaN 46 2 4.347826 3 214 2 46 NaN 46 2 4.347826 2 213 2 46 NaN 46 2 4.347826 11 229 2 46 NaN 46 2 4.347826 The clustering works as follows. If the ratio of drugs in common between several concentrations is large, then they are studied independently. Otherwise they are merged. In the final dataframe, the columns names are transformed into unique identifiers like in the IC50 class by removing the ``Drug_`` prefix and ````_conc_IC50`` suffix. The :attr:`mapping` contains the mapping between new and old identifiers. .. seealso:: :meth:`cleanup` method. """ def __init__(self, ic50, ratio_threshold=10, verbose=True, cluster=True): """.. rubric:: constructor :param ic50: :param int ratio_threshold: :param bool verbose: :param bool cluster: may be useful to not cluster the data for testing or debugging """ super(IC50Cluster, self).__init__(ic50, v18=True) self.verbose = verbose self.ratio_threshold = ratio_threshold if self.verbose: print(self) if cluster: self.cluster() self.cleanup() if self.verbose: print(self) def _get_to_cluster(self): info = self._info() if len(info) > 0: to_cluster = info[info.ratio < self.ratio_threshold].DRUG_ID.values return list(to_cluster) else: return [] to_cluster = property(_get_to_cluster) def _get_mapping(self): from collections import defaultdict mapping = defaultdict(list) drug_ids = [self.drug_name_to_int(x) for x in self.df.columns] for drug_id, colname in zip(drug_ids, self.df.columns): mapping[drug_id].append(colname) return mapping def _get_duplicated(self): mapping = self._get_mapping() duplicated = [key for key in mapping.keys() if len(mapping[key]) > 1] return duplicated duplicated = property(_get_duplicated) def _info(self): mapping = self._get_mapping() duplicated = self.duplicated max_ids = max([len(x) for x in mapping.values()]) results = [] for drug_id in duplicated: df = self.df[mapping[drug_id]] total = df.mean(axis=1).count() individuals = list(df.count().values) # the number of individuals may be different. In v18 one drug had 3 # entries (all other duplicated had only 2). so, we need to add # dummies (NA) when required: individuals += [None] * (max_ids - len(individuals)) common = sum(df.count(axis=1) >= 2) result = [drug_id] + individuals + [total, common, 100 * common/float(total)] results.append(result) df = pd.DataFrame(results) if len(df): df.columns = ['DRUG_ID'] + [str(x) for x in range(1, max_ids+1)] +\ ['total', 'common', 'ratio'] try: df.sort_values(by='ratio', ascending=False, inplace=True) except: df.sort('ratio', ascending=False, inplace=True) return df
[docs] def cluster(self): # get list of drug identifiers to cluster to_cluster = self.to_cluster self.clustered = to_cluster[:] mapping = self._get_mapping() self.mapped = {} if self.verbose: print('Found %s non unique drug identifiers ' % len(self.duplicated)) print('Clustering %s of them.\n' % len(self.to_cluster)) if len(self.to_cluster) == 0: return for identifier in to_cluster: drug_names = mapping[identifier] # Let us keep only the first concentration for now new_drug_name = drug_names[0] if len(drug_names) > 1: todrop = drug_names[1:] # add new column with new name and mean of the columns with same # drug id self.df[new_drug_name] = self.df[drug_names].mean(axis=1) # Remove the individual columns self.df.drop(todrop, axis=1, inplace=True)
[docs] def cleanup(self, offset=10000): """Rename the columns into unique identifiers :param int offset: if duplicated, add the offset The :attr:`mapping` contains the mapping, which should be used to update the decoder file. """ # Need to transform column names in proper identifiers (integer) # and makes sure identifiers are unique. If not, we add +10000 # Also, for later we keep track of the original mame in a dictionary self.extra_mapping = {} new_columns = [] for col in self.df.columns: identifier = self.drug_name_to_int(col) while identifier in new_columns: identifier += offset # not robust but would do for now # We use a while since ids may occur 3 times self.extra_mapping[identifier] = col new_columns.append(identifier) self.df.columns = new_columns
class GDSCBase(object): def __init__(self, genomic_feature_pattern="GF_*csv", verbose=True): self.verbose = True self.gf_filenames = glob.glob(genomic_feature_pattern) if len(self.gf_filenames) == 0: msg = "NO Genomic feature input files found. We expect files " +\ "with this pattern: GF_<TCGA>.csv e.g., (GF_COREAD.csv)" raise ValueError(msg) pass def mkdir(self, name): try: os.mkdir(name) except: if self.verbose: print("Note that directory %s already exists" % name)
[docs]class GDSC(GDSCBase): """Wrapper of the :class:`~gdcstools.anova.ANOVA` class and reports to analyse all TCGA Tissues and companies automatically while creating summary HTML pages. First, one need to provide an unique IC50 file. Second, the DrugDecode file (see :class:`~gdsctools.readers.DrugDecode`) must be provided with the DRUG identifiers and their corresponding names. Third, a set of genomic feature files must be provided for each :term:`TCGA` tissue. You then create a GDSC instance:: from gdsctools import GDSC gg = GDSC('IC50_v18.csv', 'DRUG_DECODE.txt', genomic_feature_pattern='GF*csv') At that stage you may want to change the settings, e.g:: gg.settings.FDR_threshold = 20 Then run the analysis:: gg.analysis() This will launch an ANOVA analysis for each TCGA tissue + PANCAN case if provided. This will also create a data package for each tissue. The data packages are stored in ./tissue_packages directory. Since all private and public drugs are stored together, the next step is to create data packages for each company:: gg.create_data_packages_for_companies() you may select a specific one if you wish:: gg.create_data_packages_for_companies(['AZ']) Finally, create some summary pages:: gg.create_summary_pages() You entry point is an HTML file called **index.html** """ def __init__(self, ic50, drug_decode, genomic_feature_pattern="GF_*csv", main_directory="tissue_packages", verbose=True): """.. rubric:: Constructor :param ic50: an :class:`~gdsctools.readers.IC50` file. :param drug_decode: an :class:`~gdsctools.readers.DrugDecode` file. :param genomic_feature_pattern: a glob to a set of :class:`~gdsctools.readers.GenomicFeature` files. """ super(GDSC, self).__init__(genomic_feature_pattern, verbose=verbose) assert isinstance(ic50, str) self.ic50_filename = ic50 self.dd_filename = drug_decode self.main_directory = main_directory self.settings = ANOVASettings() self.settings.animate = False self.drug_decode = DrugDecode(drug_decode) print("Those settings will be used (check FDR_threshold)") print(self.settings) # figure out the cancer types: self.results = {} self.company_directory = "company_packages" # quick test on 15 features self.test = False
[docs] def analyse(self, multicore=None): """Launch ANOVA analysis and creating data package for each tissue. :param bool onweb: By default, reports are created but HTML pages not shown. Set to True if you wish to open the HTML pages. :param multicore: number of cpu to use (1 by default) """ self.mkdir(self.main_directory) # First analyse all TCGA cases + PANCAN once for all and # store all the results in a dictionary. self._analyse_all(multicore=multicore)
def _analyse_all(self, multicore=None): for gf_filename in sorted(self.gf_filenames): tcga = gf_filename.split("_")[1].split('.')[0] print(purple('======================== Analysing %s data' % tcga)) self.mkdir(self.main_directory + os.sep + tcga) # Computes the ANOVA try: self.ic50 = IC50(self.ic50_filename) except: print("Clustering IC50 (v18 released data ?)") self.ic50 = IC50Cluster(self.ic50_filename, verbose=False) an = ANOVA(self.ic50, gf_filename, self.drug_decode, verbose=False) if self.test is True: an.features.df = an.features.df[an.features.df.columns[0:15]] = an an.settings = ANOVASettings(**self.settings) an.settings.analysis_type = tcga an.init() # This reset the directory results = an.anova_all(multicore=multicore) = self.main_directory + os.sep + tcga # Store the results self.results[tcga] = results print('Analysing %s data and creating images' % tcga) = ANOVAReport(an) = True
[docs] def create_data_packages_for_companies(self, companies=None): """Creates a data package for each company found in the DrugDecode file """ ########################################################## #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!# # # # DRUG_DECODE and IC50 inputs must be filtered to keep # # only WEBRELEASE=Y and owner # # # #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!# ########################################################## # companies must be just one name (one string) or a list of strings # By default, takes all companies found in DrugDecode if isinstance(companies, str): companies = [companies] if companies is None: companies = self.companies if len(companies) == 0: raise ValueError("Could not find any companies in the DrugDecode file") # The main directory self.mkdir(self.company_directory) # Loop over all companies, retrieving information built # in analyse() method, selecting for each TCGA all information # for that company only (and public drugs) Ncomp = len(companies) for ii, company in enumerate(companies): print(purple("\n=========== Analysing company %s out of %s (%s)" % (ii+1, Ncomp, company))) self.mkdir(self.company_directory + os.sep + company) # Handle each TCGA case separately for gf_filename in sorted(self.gf_filenames): tcga = gf_filename.split("_")[1].split('.')[0] print(brown(" ------- building TCGA %s sub directory" % tcga)) # Read the results previously computed either try: results_df = self.results[tcga].df.copy() except: results_path = "%s/%s/OUTPUT/results.csv" % (self.main_directory, tcga) results_df = ANOVAResults(results_path) # MAke sure the results are formatted correctly results = ANOVAResults(results_df) # Get the DrugDecode information for that company only drug_decode_company = self.drug_decode.df.query( "WEBRELEASE=='Y' or OWNED_BY=='%s'" % company) # Transform into a proper DrugDecode class for safety drug_decode_company = DrugDecode(drug_decode_company) # Filter the results to keep only public drugs and that # company. Make sure this is integers results.df["DRUG_ID"] = results.df["DRUG_ID"].astype(int) mask = [True if x in drug_decode_company.df.index else False for x in results.df.DRUG_ID] results.df = results.df.loc[mask] # We read the IC50 again try: self.ic50 = IC50(self.ic50_filename) except: self.ic50 = IC50Cluster(self.ic50_filename, verbose=False) # And create an ANOVA instance. This is not to do the analyse # again but to hold various information an = ANOVA(self.ic50, gf_filename, drug_decode_company, verbose=False) def drug_to_keep(drug): to_keep = drug in drug_decode_company.df.index return to_keep an.ic50.df =, axis=1) an.settings = ANOVASettings(**self.settings) an.init() = self.company_directory + os.sep + company + os.sep + tcga an.settings.analysis_type = tcga # Now we create the report = ANOVAReport(an, results, drug_decode=drug_decode_company, verbose=self.verbose) = company = tcga
def _get_tcga(self): return [x.split("_")[1].split(".")[0] for x in self.gf_filenames] tcga = property(_get_tcga) def _get_companies(self): return [x for x in self.drug_decode.companies if x != 'Commercial'] companies = property(_get_companies)
[docs] def create_summary_pages(self): """Create summary pages Once the main analyis is done (:meth:`analyse`), and the company packages have been created (:meth:`create_data_packages_for_companies`), you can run this method that will creade a summary HTML page (index.html) for the tissue, and a similar summary HTML page for the tissues of each company. Finally, an HTML summary page for the companies is also created. The final tree direcorty looks like:: |-- index.html |-- company_packages | |-- index.html | |-- Company1 | | |-- Tissue1 | | |-- Tissue2 | | |-- index.html | |-- Company2 | | |-- Tissue1 | | |-- Tissue2 | | |-- index.html |-- tissue_packages | |-- index.html | |-- Tissue1 | |-- Tissue2 """ # First for the main directory (tissue_packages): print(purple("Creating summary index.html for the tissues")) self._create_summary_pages(self.main_directory, verbose=False) # Then for each companies: print(purple("Creating summary index.html for each company")) pb = Progress(len(self.companies)) for i, company in enumerate(self.companies): try: self._create_summary_pages(self.company_directory + os.sep + company, verbose=False, company=company) except Exception as err: print(red("Issue with %s. Continue with other companies" % company)) print(err) pb.animate(i+1) # Finally, an index towards each company self._create_main_index()
def _create_main_index(self): # We could also add a column with number of association ? companies = self.companies[:] df = pd.DataFrame({"Company": companies}) html_page = ReportMain(directory=".", filename='index.html', template_filename='main_summary.html', mode="summary") html_table = HTMLTable(df) html_table.add_href('Company', newtab=True, url="company_packages/", suffix="/index.html") html_page.jinja['data_table'] = html_table.to_html(collapse_table=False) html_page.jinja['analysis_domain'] = "All companies / All " html_page.jinja['tissue_directory'] = self.main_directory html_page.write() def _create_summary_pages(self, main_directory, verbose=True, company=None): # Read all directories in tissue_packages directories = glob.glob(main_directory + os.sep + '*') summary = [] for directory in sorted(directories): tcga = directory.split(os.sep)[-1] if tcga not in self.tcga: continue if verbose: print(directory, tcga) # number of hits path = directory + os.sep + 'OUTPUT' + os.sep try: hits = pd.read_csv(path + 'drugs_summary.csv', sep=',') except: summary.append([tcga] + [None] * 5) continue total_hits = drug_involved = hits['Unnamed: 0'].unique() drug_involved = [int(str(x).split("-")[0]) for x in drug_involved] results = ANOVAResults(path + 'results.csv') if len(results) > 0: drug_ids = results.df.DRUG_ID.unique() else: drug_ids = [] # where to find the DRUG DECODE file. Should # have been copied path = directory + os.sep + 'INPUT' + os.sep drug_decode = DrugDecode(path + 'DRUG_DECODE.csv') #drug_decode.df.set_index("DRUG_ID", inplace=True) info = drug_decode.get_info() webrelease = drug_decode.df.loc[drug_involved].WEBRELEASE drug_inv_public = sum(webrelease == 'Y') drug_inv_prop = sum(webrelease != 'Y') summary.append([tcga, total_hits, drug_inv_prop, info['N_prop'], drug_inv_public, info['N_public']]) df = pd.DataFrame(summary) df.columns = ['Analysis name', 'Number of hits', 'Number of involved proprietary compounds', 'out of', 'Number of involved public', 'out of'] try: df.sort_values(by="Number of hits", ascending=False, inplace=True) except: df.sort("Number of hits", ascending=False, inplace=True) output_dir = main_directory + os.sep + '..' + os.sep output_file = output_dir + os.sep + 'index.html' self.html_page = ReportMain(directory=main_directory, filename='index.html', template_filename='datapack_summary.html', mode="summary") # Let us use our HTMLTable to add the HTML references self.html_table = HTMLTable(df) self.html_table.add_href('Analysis name', newtab=True, url=None, suffix='/index.html') self.html_table.add_bgcolor('Number of hits') self.html_page.jinja['data_table'] = self.html_table.to_html( collapse_table=False) if company: self.html_page.jinja["collaborator"] = company self.html_page.write() return df