Source code for

# coding=utf-8
# -*- python -*-
#  This file is part of GDSCTools software
#  Copyright (c) 2015 - Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
#  All rights reserved
#  File author(s): Thomas Cokelaer <>
#  Distributed under the BSD 3-Clause License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt distributed with this software
#  website:
"""Base classes to create HTML reports easily"""
import os
import shutil
import glob
sepjoin = os.sep.join

from gdsctools import gdsctools_data

import easydev
import pandas as pd
from jinja2.environment import Environment
from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader

from colormap import rgb2hex, cmap_builder
# note that the sorttable javascript is from
# `
# with an X11 license

from reports import HTMLTable

__all__ = ['ReportMain']

# Should re-user reports package
from reports import Report

[docs]class ReportMain(Report): """A base class to create HTML pages This :class:`Report` class holds the CSS and HTML layout and will ease the creation of new reports and HTML pages. For instance, it will add a footer and header automatically, save files in the proper directory, create the directory if it is missing, copy CSS and JS files in the directory automatically. :: from gdsctools import Report r = Report() r.add_section('Example with some text', 'Example' ) .. note:: **For developers** the original CSS and JS files are stored in the share/data directory. The idea is that you create sections (text + title) that you add little by little in your HTML documents. Then, you create the report. The report will add a footer, header, table of contents before the sections. The **text** of a section can contain any HTML document. """ def __init__(self, filename='index.html', directory='report', overwrite=True, verbose=True, template_filename='index.html', mode=None, init_report=True): """.. rubric:: Constructor :param filename: default to **index.html** :param directory: defaults to **report** :param overwrite: default to True :param verbose: default to True :param dependencies: add the dependencies table at the end of the document if True. :param str mode: if none, report have a structure that contains the following directories: OUTPUT, INPUT, js, css, images, code. Otherwise, if mode is set to 'summary', only the following directories are created: js, css, images """ gdsctools_path = easydev.get_package_location('gdsctools') extra_css_path = sepjoin([gdsctools_path, "gdsctools", "data", "css"]) extra_js_path = sepjoin([gdsctools_path, "gdsctools", "data", "javascript"]) extra_css_list = glob.glob(extra_css_path + os.sep + "*css") extra_js_list = glob.glob(extra_js_path + os.sep + "*js") searchpath = sepjoin([gdsctools_path, "gdsctools", "data", "templates"]) super(ReportMain, self).__init__(searchpath, filename=filename, template_filename=template_filename, directory=directory, extra_css_list=extra_css_list, extra_js_list=extra_js_list, init_report=init_report) self.jinja['dependencies'] = self.get_table_dependencies("gdsctools").to_html() self.jinja['analysis'] = 'anova' from gdsctools import version self.jinja['version'] = version self.jinja['title'] = 'ANOVA analysis summary' self.jinja["analysis_domain"] = "PANCAN" self.jinja['resource_path'] = "." self._directory = directory self._filename = filename if mode is None: self._to_create = ['OUTPUT', 'INPUT', 'images', 'css', 'js', 'code', 'associations'] elif mode == 'summary': self._to_create = ['images', 'css', 'js',] if init_report: self._init_report()
[docs] def show(self): """Opens a tab in a browser to see the document""" from easydev.browser import browse as bs bs(self.abspath)
def _init_report(self): super(ReportMain, self)._init_report() for filename in ['EBI_logo.png', 'sanger-logo.png']: target = os.sep.join([, 'images', filename ]) if os.path.isfile(target) is False: filename = gdsctools_data("images" + os.sep + filename) shutil.copy(filename, target)
[docs] def create_report(self, onweb=True): self._create_report() self.write() if onweb is True: self.onweb()