Source code for gdsctools.settings

# coding=utf-8
# -*- python -*-
#  This file is part of GDSCTools software
#  Copyright (c) 2015 - Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
#  All rights reserved
#  File author(s): Thomas Cokelaer <>
#  Distributed under the BSD 3-Clause License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt distributed with this software
#  website:
"""Code related to the ANOVA analysis to find associations between drug IC50s
and genomic features"""
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from easydev import AttrDict
import easydev
from gdsctools import version

__all__ = ['ANOVASettings']

[docs]class ANOVASettings(AttrDict): """All settings used in :class:`gdsctools.anova.ANOVA` analysis This class behaves as a dictionary but values for a given key (setting) can be accessed and changed easily like an attribute: :: >>> from gdsctools import ANOVASettings >>> s = ANOVASettings() >>> s.FDR_threshold 25 >>> s.FDR_threshold = 20 It is the responsability of the users or developers to check the validity of the settings by calling the :meth:`check` method. Note, however, that this method does not perform exhaustive checks. Finally, the method :meth:`to_html` creates an HTML table that can be added to an HTML report. .. note:: **for developers** a key can be changed or accessed to as if it was an attribute. This prevents some functionalities (such as copy() or property) to be used normaly hence the creation of the :meth:`check` method to check validity of the values rather than using properties. Here are the current values available. ========================= ================ ======================================== Name Default Description ========================= ================ ======================================== include_MSI_factor True Include MSI in the regression feature_factor_threshold 3 Discard association where a genomic feature has less than 3 positives or 3 negatives values (e.g., 0, 1 or 2) MSI_factor_threshold 2 Discard association where a MSI count has less than 2 positives or 2 negatives values (e.g., 0, or 1). analysis_type PANCAN Type of analysis. PANCAN means use all data. Otherwise, you must provide a valid tissue name to be found in the Genomic Feature data set. pvalue_correction_method fdr Type of p-values correction method used. Could be *fdr*, *qvalue* or one accepted by :class:`~gdsctools.stats.MultipleTesting` pvalue_correction_level True Apply pvalue correction globally. If False, applied to 'drug_level' only. equal_var_ttest True Assume equal variance in the t-test minimum_nonna_ic50 6 Minimum number of IC50 required to perform an analysis for a given drug. fontsize 25 Used in some plots for labels FDR_threshold 25 FDR threshold used in volcano plot and significant hits pvalue_threshold 0.001 Used to select significant hits see :class:`~gdsctools.anova.ANOVAReport` directory html_gdsc_anova Directory where images and HTML documents are saved. savefig False Save the figure or not (PNG format) effect_threshold 0 Used in the volcano plot. See :class:`~gdsctools.volcano.VolcanoPlot` ========================= ================ ======================================== There are parameters dedicated to the regression method. Note that only regression_formula is effective right now. ======================= ========= ========================================= Name Default Description ======================= ========= ========================================= regression_method OLS Regression method amongst OLS. NOT USED YET. regression_alpha 0.01 Fraction of penalty included. If 0, equivalent to OLS. NOT USED YET. regression_L1_wt 0.5 Fraction of the penalty given to L1 penalty term. Must be between 0 and 1. If 0, equivalent to Ridge. If 1 equivalent to Lasso. NOT USED YET. regression_formula auto if auto, use standard regression from GDSCTools (see link_formula_) otherwise any valid regression formula can be used. ======================= ========= ========================================= .. seealso:: :ref:`settings` or decrease the number of significant hits. .. _link_formula: """ def __init__(self, **kargs): super(ANOVASettings, self).__init__(**kargs) ## ANALYSIS --------------------------------- # include MSI as a co-factor self.include_MSI_factor = True # number of positive samples required to perform the test self.feature_factor_threshold = 3 # How many MSI samples must be present to perform the test self.MSI_factor_threshold = 2 self.include_media_factor = False self.analysis_type = 'PANCAN' self.pvalue_correction_method = 'fdr' # or qvalue self.pvalue_correction_level = True # or qvalue self.equal_var_ttest = True self.minimum_nonna_ic50 = 6 # Visualisation and HTML related --------------------- self.fontsize = 25 self.FDR_threshold = 25 self.pvalue_threshold = 0.001 = 'html_gdsc_anova' self.savefig = False self.effect_threshold = 0 # use in volcano self.volcano_additional_FDR_lines = [0.01, 0.1, 10] self.volcano_FDR_interpolation = True # ----------------------- regression related self.regression_method = 'OLS' # can be ElasticNet, LAsso, Ridge self.regression_alpha = 0.01 self.regression_L1_wt = 0.5 self.regression_formula = "auto" # uses statsmodels package # The fraction of the penalty given to the L1 penalty term. Must be # between 0 and 1 (inclusive). If 0, the fit is ridge regression. If # 1, the fit is the lasso. self.version = version self.animate = True for k, v in kargs.items(): self[k] = v
[docs] def check(self): """Checks the values of the parameters This may not be exhaustive. Right now, checks - MSI factor is boolean. - Regression.method in OLS/Ridge/Lasso/ElasticNet - FDR thresohld in [0,1] - pvalues_threshold in [0,inf[ - effect_threshold in [0,inf[ - pvalue_correction_method - etc """ inrange = easydev.check_range inlist = easydev.check_param_in_list # check validity of the settings inlist(self.include_MSI_factor, [False, True], 'MSI') inrange(self.feature_factor_threshold, 0, np.inf) inrange(self.MSI_factor_threshold, 0, np.inf) # all those methods are from statsmodels.stats.multitest.multipletests inlist(self.pvalue_correction_method, ['bonferroni', 'sidak', 'holm-sidak', 'simes-hochberg', 'hommel', 'fdr_bh', 'fdr_tsbj', 'fdr_tskby', 'fdr'], 'pvalue correction method') inlist(self.equal_var_ttest, [True, False], 'equal_var_ttest') inrange(self.minimum_nonna_ic50, 0, np.inf) inrange(self.FDR_threshold, 0, 100) inrange(self.pvalue_threshold, 0, np.inf) inrange(self.effect_threshold, 0, np.inf) # for now, if MSI is False, this cannot be a PANCAN analysis # but a cancer specific analysis if self.include_MSI_factor is False: assert self.analysis_type != 'PANCAN', \ 'If MSI factor is not included, the analysis must be cancer'+\ ' specific (i.e., a tissue must be set.' valid_reg_meth = ['OLS', 'ElasticNet', 'Lasso', 'Ridge'] inlist(self.regression_method, valid_reg_meth) inlist(self.pvalue_correction_level, [True, False])
[docs] def to_html(self): """Convert the sets of parameters into a nice HTML table""" data = self.copy() data['volcano_additional_FDR_lines'] = \ str(data['volcano_additional_FDR_lines']) settings = pd.DataFrame(data, index=[0]).transpose() settings.reset_index(inplace=True) settings.columns = ['name', 'value'] html = settings.to_html(header=True, index=False) return html
def __str__(self): txt = '' for k in sorted(self.keys()): txt += '- %s: %s\n' % (k, self[k]) return txt